Ren Ci Learning Academy


The establishment of Ren Ci Learning Academy (RCLA) seeks to upskill the community’s capabilities to better care for the elderly. It will be at the forefront to drive the innovation and redesign of care to deliver and spread value-based and affordable care for the elderly.

One of the focuses of RCLA is the cross-training and transdisciplinary model of care for Allied Health professionals (AHP). With the added skillsets, AHP will be equipped to conduct simple sessions independently to reduce the number of touch points that an elderly goes through in the healthcare system. Training programme that facilitates skills transfer between therapist and care staff and also advanced training for therapy support staff to perform higher skilled assessments and interventions in the community will also be developed. 

Ren Ci is one of the leading organisations in care improvement through systematic problem-solving approaches. Quality improvement using QI tools, systematic reviews of adverse events using a predefined methodology, and safe care through retrospective and prospective observations are areas the RCLA aims to share with the ILTC sector. This will empower the ILTC institutions to improve and raise their level of care delivery.  

RCLA is conceptualised to be a modern and interactive learning space. Participants will find walls that can be doodled with interactive projector at the newly renovated training centre.


Check out our upcoming courses listed below. 

For group or corporate registration, please download the form here and email it to:

Note: You can use your Community Care Training Grant (CCTG), if you are eligible for 90% funding on Singaporean/Singapore Permanent Resident (PR) and 45% funding on foreigner. Should you require assistance on CCTG claim, do contact us at 6355 1163.

Course Title Course Dates 2024 Course duration Course Fees Recommended Participant Profile
An Upskill Initiative for Care Staff: Functional Assessment in Long Term Care settings 10 to 12 January
9am – 5pm
24 hrs $1600
  • Therapy Aides with at least 2 years of experience working in nursing homes, centrebased services, home therapy
Cognition and Aging 19 September
9am – 5pm
8 hrs $550
  • Health care staff involved in the care of older adults in setting such as centrebased services, home therapy, nursing homes and AAC
Clinical Incident Reporting and Management 28 February
24 June
23 October
9am – 5pm  
8 hrs $600
  • All staff involved in incident review and management. Includes Staff Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Nurse Managers, Centre Managers, Managers and HODs
Dissolving Challenging Behaviour 4 & 25 June
1 & 22 October
2pm – 5pm
6 hrs $550
  • Health care workers who are taking care of person living with Dementia
  • English language proficient
Falls Prevention in Older Adults: Exercises and Education 6 to 7 March
9am – 5pm
16 hrs $1000
  • Health care staff involved in the care of older adults in setting such as centrebased services, home therapy, nursing homes and AAC
Foundational Awareness of Dementia 23 April
13 July
17 September
10 December
2pm – 4pm
2 hrs $280
  • Staff or volunteers in an eldercare sector
  • English language proficient
Frailty: What is it and how can we address it? 9 December
9am – 1pm
4 hrs $300
  • Health care staff involved in the care of older adults in setting such as centrebased services, home therapy, nursing homes and AAC
Identifying Cognitive Impairment and What Can I do with it? 8 November
9am – 11am
2 hrs $250
  • Health care staff involved in the care of older adults in setting such as centrebased services, home therapy, nursing homes and AAC
Improvement Toolkit Basic 17 January
7 February
6 March
8 April
 8 May
 5 June
 17 July
 7 August
 18 September
 16 October
 1 November
 18 December
9am – 5pm
8 hrs $600
  • All staff who are interested in improving their work processes and outcomes.
Improvement Toolkit Intermediate 20 & 21 March
24 & 25 July
20 & 21 November
9am – 5pm
16 hrs $900
  • Managers and senior staff identified to lead and facilitate Improvement Projects
Improvement Toolkit Advance – VSM 6 & 7 May
16 & 17 September
9am – 5pm
16 hrs $900
  • Managers, senior staff and staff identified to lead/facilitate Improvement Projects
Improvement Toolkit Advance – 6S 18 March
26 June
11 November
9am – 5pm
8 hrs $600
  • Managers, senior staff and staff identified to lead/facilitate Improvement Projects
Improvement Toolkit Advance – CPIP 29 & 30 May
4 & 5 November
9am – 5pm
16 hrs $900
  • Managers, senior staff and staff identified to lead/facilitate Improvement Projects
Infection Prevention and Control – Basic 10 January
14 February
13 March
17 April
15 May
12 June
10 July
14 August
11 September
9 October
13 November
11 December
 1pm – 5pm
4 hrs $400
  • Junior staff including NA, HCA, HA, Enrolled Nurse, Elder Carer, RCA, Therapy assistant , Pharmacy Technician, and support staff such as Facility Management, Operations, Porters and Kitchen staff
Infection Prevention And Control – Intermediate 15 January
15 April
 15 July
14 October
9am – 1pm
4 hrs $450
  • Staff involved in implementing, managing and auditing Infection Prevention and Control Practices
Infection Prevention and Control – Advance 11 March
7 October
9am – 5pm
8 hrs  $700
  • Key personnel involved in implementing infection prevention and control measures/ policies and care. Staff interested in infection prevention and control. This includes Senior Staff Nurses, Nurse Managers, Centre Managers, Medical Consultants and Infection Control Personnel.
Infection Prevention And Control And Clinical Audits 21 February
20 May
21 August
9am – 1pm
4 hrs $450
  • Staff who are involved in conducting audits. This includes Staff Nurses, Enrolled Nurses, Community Care Associate Leads, Supervisors, Managers, Senior Rehab staff, Medical Doctors, IPC Personnel and Auditors
Motivating and Encouraging Older Adults in Activities 5 June
9am – 5pm  
8 hrs $550
  • Health care staff involved in the care of older adults in setting such as centrebased services, home therapy, nursing homes and AAC
Maximising Participation: Activity Selection and Modification 21 October
1pm – 5pm
4 hrs $450
  • Health care staff involved in the care of older adults in setting such as centrebased services, home therapy, nursing homes and AAC
Open Disclosure And Communication Post Adverse Event 31 January
27 May
31 July
30 October
9am – 1pm
4 hrs $450
  • All staff involved in incident review and management. Includes Staff Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Nurse Managers, Centre Managers, Managers and HODs.
Pandemic Preparedness And Safe Management Measures 10 January
14 February
13 March
17 April
 15 May
 12 June
 10 July
 14 August
 11 September
 9 October
 13 November 11 December
10am – 12pm
2 hrs $250
  • All staff involved in pandemic management including Staff Nurses, Enrolled Nurses, Managers, Nurse managers, Supervisors, Centre Managers, Doctors and Facilities Personnel
Performing Beyond: Conducting Cognitively Stimulating Activities 16 April
9am – 5pm
8 hrs $550
  • Health care staff involved in the care of older adults in setting such as centrebased services, home therapy, nursing homes and AAC
Performing Beyond: Therapeutic Support 28 May
9am – 5pm
8 hrs $550 
  • Health care staff involved in the care of older adults in setting such as centrebased services, home therapy and nursing homes
Performing Beyond: Strength and Balance Training in Older Adults 16 July
9am – 5pm
8 hrs $550
  • Health care staff involved in the care of older adults in setting such as centrebased services, home therapy and nursing homes
Program and Activity Planning 20 February
9am – 5pm
8 hrs $550
  • Health care staff involved in the care of older adults in settings such as senior care centres and nursing homes
  • Programme coordinators
Root Cause Analysis 24 April 23 September
9am – 5pm
8 hrs $600
  • All staff involved in incident review and management. Includes Staff Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Nurse Managers, Centre Managers, Managers and HODs
Successful Large Group Outings 16 August
9am – 1pm
4 hrs $250
  • Health care staff involved in the care of older adults in setting such as centrebased services, home therapy, nursing homes and AAC
Supporting Clients in Swallowing: Screening and Exercises 8 May
9am – 1pm
4 hrs $300
  • Health care staff involved in the care of older adults in setting such as centrebased services, home therapy, nursing homes and AAC

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