Our Services

Home Care Services

Ren Ci Home Care provides holistic management of clients by a team of professional staff which includes doctors, nurses, therapists, medical social workers, care associates and coordinators to support our clients both medically and socially.

This provides the continuum of care to frail seniors who want to age in their own homes or the community instead of a nursing home. Our suite of services provided under Home Care includes the following:

  • Assist with personal care tasks, and activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, toileting or instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) such as light housekeeping, or simple errands
  • Engage in cognitive stimulation programmes
  • Perform simple maintenance exercises as prescribed
  • Post-surgical and wound management, e.g. administration of injections; insertion of nasogastric tube (NGT) and tube feeding
  • Stoma care, e.g. colostomy and ileostomy care
  • Monitoring of medical condition, e.g. blood pressure and blood sugar checks
  • Caregiver education with regard to various aspects of care, e.g. prevention of falls, pressure sores, proper feeding techniques
  • Monitoring of medication compliance

Home Rehab

  • Functional mobility training and gait training
  • Active and passive exercises to improve or restore range of motion, physical strength, flexibility, co-ordination, balance and endurance;
  • Advice on the use of assistive ambulatory devices, orthosis, prosthesis or assistive/ adaptive devices to maintain or improve ADL performances;
  • Advice on occupational ergonomics; home assessment and recommendations on home modification
  • Intervention addressing cognition, perception and psychosocial status
  • Caregiver education

Home-Based Exercise Training

  • Design and review maintenance exercises and train the caregiver

Home Environment Review

  • Conduct assessment of the home to identify preventable hazards that could cause falls or injuries and recommend modifications to maximise the ability for independent living
  • Management of chronic, uncomplicated acute or sub-acute medical conditions

Medical Escort & Transport

  • Accompanied Escort: Provision of transport* with care staff to accompany throughout the medical appointment (including collecting medication) and send home
  • Basic Escort: Provision of transport* to pick up and send to appointment location and send home after medical appointment

*By private hire vehicles (e.g., Taxi or Grab). Ambulance may be arranged at additional cost.


To enrol your loved one, you will need a referral from your doctor to assess your suitability for such services. Please speak to your care staff at the hospital that you or your loved one is staying, and he/she will assist you in submitting an application to Agency for Integrated Care (AIC).

For Primary Care, Community Partners and Private Healthcare Partners, please refer to the form here for referral to Ren Ci Home Care.

For Enquiries

To find out more, please email us at homecare@renci.org.sg  or fill in the form below.

Home Care
