Community Hospital

Hip Fracture Programme

Ren Ci’s hip fracture programme serves to cover care services provided to a patient during a clinical episode that extends both at acute hospitals and post treatment at community hospital under a bundled scheme from MOH which aims to promote the provision of coordinated value-based care from both acute and community hospitals which provide the post-operative care and rehabilitation for hip fracture patients, thereby leading to shorter length of stay and lesser readmission.


  • Seamless transfer from acute setting to community hospital and support care transformation and right siting of patients
  • Integrated care plan through single clinical care team and continuous rehab programme to track common indicators and focus on patient outcomes
  • Strengthen NHG’s ability to orchestrate care for better continuity of care in the Central Zone
  • To reduce the length of stay without compromising quality of care and outcome and improve coping ability after discharge


To register your loved one, you will need doctor to assess suitability for such services. Please speak to your care staff at the hospital that you or your loved one is staying, and he/she will assist you in submitting an application.