Admissions & Financial Charges

Community Hospital Admissions

Admission to Ren Ci Community Hospital is via referral from acute hospitals. The process is as follows:

Step 1 The acute hospital will raise a referral for the patient, which our admissions team will assess.
Step 2 Our admissions team will call up the acute hospital and arrange for the transfer. Next-of-kin of the patient will then be contacted regarding the necessary paperwork.
Step 3 Patient will be transferred to our hospital and brought to the ward.


Upon being transferred to the ward, our friendly ward staff will orientate the patient and accompanying next-of-kin. Patients will be introduced to the care team, be shown the physical facilities and learn about ward policies and safety precautions. At Ren Ci Community Hospital, all meals are designed under the supervision of a dietician to ensure well-balanced nutrition, variety and taste. The meals are halal-certified and have vegetarian options. Meals can also be modified to suit the patient’s medical condition e.g. therapeutic diets for patients that require low sodium, low purine, pureed meals, calorie control, etc.

The table below serves as a general reference of estimated bill sizes w.e.f. 1 October 2024.

Estimated Charges
  Singapore Citizen Permanent Resident Resident Foreigner/Non-resident
Average daily bill size $145 - $398 $373 - $523 $747 - $899
Est. daily bill balance after MSHL $15 - $74 $204 - $283 N.A.
  • The estimated hospital bill sizes of the patients staying in subsidised wards are computed after applying government grant and hospital subsidy.
  • The estimated hospital bill sizes include ward charges, treatment charges, therapy charges and ancillary charges such as drugs, procedures, laboratory tests etc.
  • The estimated bill size are estimates based on statistical average and serve as reference only. The actual bill size may differ from the above estimates depending on the length of stay and/or type of treatment received.
  • The above rates are quoted in Singapore Dollars.
  • The rates shown for non-subsidised patients are inclusive of 9% GST. Rates for Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are quoted before GST.
  • GST is absorbed by MOH for subsidised patients for eligible services.
  • Maximum Medisave claimable per patient is limited to $250 per day up to a maximum of $5,000 a year. For Resident Foreigners and Non-residents, Medisave is only claimable if the next-of-kin is a Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident.
  • Cash deposit required will be adjusted to include the difference should there be insufficient Medisave.
  • The hospital reserves the right to request for additional cash deposit to be topped up if the initial deposit is insufficient.
  • Rates are subject to change.
  • For enquiries, please call us at 6385 0288 or email us at

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