Our Services

Community Hospital

Community hospitals are the next step for patients who are discharged from acute hospitals but need rehabilitative and sub-acute care to help with their recovery. This allows patients to transition back to their communities and daily lives. On average, patients at our community hospital for rehabilitation stay with us for about 1 month. Those who recover faster and achieve their medical and rehabilitation goals earlier may be discharged within 1 to 2 weeks.

At Ren Ci Community Hospital, our patients referred to us from acute hospitals. Over half of all our patients are recovering from orthopaedic conditions such as hip and lower limb fractures. Other patients cared for include those recovering from stroke and infections (such as pneumonia and urinary tract infections). They are usually elderly and come from low-income families, with around 80% means-tested to be in the lowest income tier and requiring greater financial assistance. 

Each patient is provided with a personalised rehabilitation programme to better target their needs and enable better healing and recovery. We also provide three healthy meals per day with a varied menu created with the supervision of a dietician, as well as light refreshments at other times. All meals are halal certified, and patients who need therapeutic diets for their medical conditions are able to avail of them during their stay with us.

General Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation aims to maintain and improve the general physical health of senior citizens, especially those recovering from injury or illness.

Hip Fracture Programme

Patients will undergo therapy to improve their condition to optimise their activities of daily living (ADLs) and facilitate re-integration to their home environment or other long-term care settings.


Dementia Care

Dementia affects the brain, resulting in memory loss, difficulties with language, recognition, planning and performing complex task. Our expertise enables us to care for patients with dementia even as they recover from other conditions in our Community Hospital.

Palliative Care

Our multi-disciplinary team provides palliative care to a select group of patients. Palliative care improves the quality of life of patients and that of their families who are facing challenges associated with life-limiting illnesses, whether physical, psychological, social or spiritual.